A little while ago Crez and i were asked to teach art at a holiday program at our old primrary school.

I cannot imagine a group of kids who learnt less in two hours than these kids.

The opprunity came about when my friend (who I have teased many times at being my “token white friend”) asked us to teach the kids some art for a couple of hours. with about one minute of thought we said yes. For the factor of helping out a good friend, teaching the kids some art stuff we were never taught and had to learn ourselves, and at the very least have a fun time trolling.

The day rolled around and we walked into the classroom, the place was packed with 30 kids (from all ages). At this point (like many points in our lives) we realised we were unprepared and really under qualified. After  a brief intro and basic technique lesson of making a dog out of shapes we got down to work. What happened next and what we learnt….can be explained in dot points.

  • All kids are different, yet they all want one thing…attention
  • Kids will tell you the most pointless things about their family and friends
  • Kids love asking questions
  • Year 6 kids are the best, unlike high school kids they’re not in that “prove yourself” phase but are mature enough to do what you tell em
  • Kids will bicker in hate in each others face’s
  • Given the time, even quiet kids have something to say
  • Give kids anything messy and they will be amused, but consequently they will create mess
  • They learn quick, though will practice and practice for hours
  • Kids are un-stereotypically respectful sometimes
  • I was caught with my pants half way down my butt. After being dobbed in by one of the kids i realised $WVG must have skipped they’re generation
  • Kids have a fashion sense these days (if its good fashion is debatable)
  • If it all becomes too much flip on a movie, hit the lights and chill the fuck out
  • Kids are the future?

Overall me and Crez had a good time. I hope even one of them learnt something about drawing or art, at the very least they got an example of Asians that have no native tongue and are bad at maths.  Here are some photos from the day, they include drawings and some clay stuff they did. Shout outs to Paul and to our school (that shall remain disclosed).

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Here’s a few things I liked from my childhood. I had a downright unhealthy obsession with TV so i liked a lot of different stuff