Archives for posts with tag: illustration

Everything is new!

Its been a little while since i’ve some new drawings, so instead of pacing them out imma post a whole bunch at once!

The drawings in this batch i would consider some of the weirdest stuff I’ve ever drawn. i was feeling pretty inspired at the time, but can’t really say by what. Alot of the features present in these drawings i would like to re-visit. Like the different textures criss crossing together and just the type of hyper real  vibe of  the drawings. Enjoy!

I’m also in the works of putting together a zine. the zine is titled Scumbag and is really about everything and anything. Some of it will be seedy, some interesting, some delicious, what I’m basically saying is that it will be a masterpiece. This is a little trailer I made, get ready (if you want, it might be shit. In that case get the opposite of ready, settled?).

Also here is some new music,EVERYTHING IS NEW!


I’ve got a new batch of drawings to post up (everyone was looking forward to that! right?).

And also something really awesome to post up (you should be looking forward to seeing this).

My new batch of drawings have been inspired by this idea I had of people semi exploding into things. And when i say “things” i mean really random situation and creatures.

I had a bunch of fun drawing these and clocked em out pretty quickly. I might add some colour to these and keep drawing more of em’, so expect more.

I’ve also been doing some work on this new online series called UNPLANNED AMERICA. Its about three loveable and curious adventure-men discovering everything America. The show is random, cool, suprising and genuine. Check out the  site and follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Also get involved and help these guys do something sick!

And that’s what’s new!


I will probably never be a pro at Photoshop.

I can live with that.

Recently it feels like I should learn Photoshop, as a tool to help my drawings.  I’ll be the first to say that my skills are borderline crap but with advise and help (from Crez)I can do it semi al-right.

So check it out, the stuff is a little weird. I did these in like half an hour, so excuse the shitness (though even if i had longer it wouldn’t have come out any better, I’m that bad).

For pop trivia sake the girl I drew had a nipple showing, but alas i erased it after a little debate because it was positioned a bit too high.



During uni i had to learn alot of different production programs.

I was never really good at any of them, merely a jack of all trades…and only a semi master of a few.

As of recent I have had to bust these programs out once again to start putting some stuff together. Over the last couple of days i have been using Photoshop to just do some of my own work. Check it below

I got a pic from a Japanese magazine and drew a squirrel over her face, cause I thought she kinda looked like a squirrel. With the help of Crez once again i was able to play around with the image. Alot of the stuff i did was kinda of subtle (isn’t that really the best type of effects?). So thanks Crez for giving me a crash course in Photoshop once again.

I also now have twitter and tumblr, its kinda similar to the stuff on here but in alot less detail and also alot more blunt. You can check them both here.!/andrewyeast

Things are happeninggggg!!!


For some reason one of main subjects of inspiration lately has been the French bulldog.

Honestly i have no idea.

I’ve always thought that the french bulldog was adorable, in a kinda wierd way. Its not the cutest or smartest of dogs but it has somehow warmed its way into the heart’s of dog owners around the world.

The reason i started to draw them might be attributed to my subscription to the Youtube channel dedicated to the dog Mirco (pronounced Mil-Co in Japanese). This channel basically just details the day to day escpades of Mirco and his best friend, the baby daughter of the owners. Watching these videos will probably restore your faith in humanity while simultaneously waste your life.

It might also be the fact that i started to follow Benny Gold on Instagram, and a lot of his photos vary between lifestyle stuff and his French bulldog. I notice that alot of people who have French Bulldogs have daughters (or even just kids). Wierd? or am i just very uneducated in this area of “dog and man” relations?

Or maybe, just maybe it is my subconscious manifestation of my long standing desire to have had a pet growing up. That my drawings are starting to visually replicate the childhood I never had? That maybe I never had this idea at all and that a crack team of subconscious experts had entered my mind, inception style. Lead by the Great Gatsby and Tommy Solomon, they made me believe that this “inspiration” was actually genuine.  Nah fuck that shit, its not that….maybe….nah (probably).

WELL for whatever reason it is they are hella fun to draw. Its a litlle challenging to try and get the head size in line with the body  but once you do its pretty sweet. When I draw mine for some unexplained reason I like to dress em up wearing semi couture/punk gear. And so here I present my gallery of French Bulldog drawings .

Here is Mirco the dog doin his thing

You should watch his videos on mute while listening to this, cause I never had…